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Kathleen + Marco

May 26, 2018

This international couple met in Switzerland when they both attended a dinner given by mutual friends. Kathleen and Marco immediately hit it off, and by three months into their relationship, they knew they wanted to be together forever. Eventually Marco moved to the US to be with Kathleen and the two have now been together for five years. And not only was their first meeting overseas, but their proposal was as well. Marco asked Kathleen to marry him in his hometown of Sicily, Italy in a quaint small, town square near a clock tower.

The couple came together in marriage on May 26 at the Whitehall Center at the Carleen Bright Arboretum, where they celebrated with friends and family who flew in from all over the world. After dancing the night away, Kathleen and Marco bid their guests adieu and gifted each one with a cupcake from Silos Baking Company. 

Photography by:  Loved Memories Photography

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