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McKailah + Brady

How They Met

McKailah and Brady's love story began during the challenging times of COVID-19. Mckailah, a freshman at Baylor University, met Brady at a small bar in Huntsville, Texas, called Shenanigans during Christmas break.


Despite the restrictions and social distancing, their connection was instant, leading to a whirlwind romance marked by long-distance weekends and eventual togetherness in Waco. Their love grew stronger with each passing day, culminating in Brady's heartfelt proposal on January 1st, after a family Christmas celebration.

McKailah, expecting a formal party, was surprised when Brady got down on one knee in a spontaneous and intimate moment.

Their wedding is set for June 30, 2024, at Boschetto at Fossil Creek in China Springs.



Photos by: Cerria Maryann Photography

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